
Dr. Tony 沃尔德罗普 2014 - 2021



Dr. 托尼•克. 沃尔德罗普帮助提高了学术水平,提升了研究水平,并迎来了 a new era at 美国健康 as the third president of the 十大玩彩信誉平台.

“总统 沃尔德罗普 was a pivotal figure and determined leader for the University of 南 Alabama,” said Arlene Mitchell, chair pro tem of the USA 校董会. “他是 instrumental in the extraordinary growth at 美国健康 and helped us develop 作为一所成熟的高等学府.”

His years 在南, from 2014 to 2021, saw great change at the University and USA 健康.

During his presidency, the University started an 荣誉学院, developed the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences and constructed Hancock Whitney Stadium. 南 significantly increased retention and graduation rates, bolstered study abroad programs, added more than a dozen 学位s to its offerings and launched the Pathway USA program for transfer students, increasing access to and affordability of a four-year 学位.

它还完成了一次前进 & 向上全面的筹款活动,筹集 超过1.6亿美元用于大学和美国健康.

沃尔德罗普 led dynamic growth of 美国健康 by hiring new leadership and developing a comprehensive strategic plan focused on being the only academic health system in the 地区. 研究 and education programs were expanded, as were primary and specialty 整个地区的护理实践. 大学里一个新的范妮·梅斯勒创伤中心 医院开业,从州长那里获得了5000万美元. 凯·艾维要建一所新学院 of Medicine, and work began on the Mapp Family Campus in Baldwin County and the freestanding 西莫比尔希尔克雷斯特路的急诊科.

“Dr. 沃尔德罗普 lifted research activity and academic standards at the University of 南 Alabama and set it on a course for future growth and success,” said 总统 乔邦纳.

沃尔德罗普 was a quiet academic and disciplined administrator who often woke before dawn. 他喜欢早晨和妻子朱莉一起散步. 他拒绝接受个人的赞扬 他说,这些都是集体努力的结果.

“The goal has always been, no matter what the position I had in administration, to 让事情变得比以前更好,”他在2021年说. “我真的认为 University is better than what it was when we came here, and that gives me satisfaction.”

Dr. 托尼·沃尔德罗普在跑道上跑步.

在南, 沃尔德罗普 was shy to speak about one of his most remarkable personal accomplishments. In 1974, as a track star at the University of North Carolina, he set a longstanding 室内一英里3分55秒的世界纪录. 而是第二年 of preparing for the Olympic Games, he quit competitive running to focus on earning 他的Ph值.D. 生理学.

沃尔德罗普 became a research fellow at the University of Texas 南western Medical Center and then a professor of molecular and integrative physiology at the University of Illinois, where he was promoted to vice president of research and graduate studies. He returned to the University of North Carolina as vice chancellor and then became 中佛罗里达大学教务长兼执行副校长.

In 2014, he was named the third president of the 十大玩彩信誉平台, following 弗雷德里克。P. 惠登和V. 戈登·默尔顿.

Dr. 肖恩·鲍尔斯,教授兼主任 Stokes School of Marine and Environmental 科学,认为沃尔德罗普是南方历史上重要的总统. 后 Whiddon, the founder of the University, and Moulton, the builder who revitalized campus, the University gained from the leadership of an academic researcher who could recruit 教授和激励教师提高标准.

鲍尔斯说:“我们需要托尼·沃尔德罗普来完成那一段。. 他为增长设定了路线 这里研究的严谨性和学术成就. 我认为这是他成名的原因 在南.”

Powers, like many on campus, had to learn from others that 沃尔德罗普 had been a track 明星和世界纪录保持者. 他和沃尔德罗普一家成了朋友,经常去拜访他们 和他们一起去了海豚岛,沃尔德普夫妇在那里有一套公寓. 这对夫妇的合作关系 “共同愿景”立刻脱颖而出.

“From the faculty point of view, he was very interested in everything we and our students 在研究和专业发展方面所做的事情,”鲍尔斯说. “他是 a traditional academic, and 我认为 he enjoyed that part of his job the most.”

Just six months after he arrived in Mobile, 沃尔德罗普 announced five strategic priorities for 南: student access and success, enhancement of research and graduate education, excellence in healthcare, University-community engagement, and global engagement.

这里的学术成就. 我认为
- Dr. 肖恩·鲍尔斯,教授兼主任


Dr. 沃尔德罗普接受了美国健康中心护士的采访.

“那是我们历史上的关键时刻。. 朱莉·埃斯蒂斯,该协会主席 当时的教职员参议院. “有很多兴奋和新鲜感 新总统就职典礼的全部经历. 他列出了这五个优先事项 这些领域影响了他在十大玩彩信誉平台的任期.

“我们可以回顾过去,看看每个领域是如何发展的. 有明确的优先事项.”

In addition to Hancock Whitney, construction on the University campus during 沃尔德罗普’s presidency includes the 麦昆校友中心, a 健康 Simulation Building for the 医疗保健专业人士和茶花学生宿舍.

Near the end of 沃尔德罗普’s administration came the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought 破坏和不确定性. 沃尔德罗普组建了一个大学委员会,其中包括 美国健康 epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists to help in the decision 制作过程.

“He looks at the situation through the lens of a researcher,” said Estis, the University’s 在沃尔德罗普的2021年简介中,他说. “他发现了所有的 information about whatever topic or decision it is, and he will take time to consider 然后,仔细权衡,并以此为他的决策提供依据.”

沃尔德罗普 grew up in Columbus, North Carolina, south of Asheville in the foothills of 阿巴拉契亚山脉. 他的父亲是一名工业机械修理工 他的母亲是一名接待员.

He was a track athlete who attended the University of North Carolina on an academic 奖学金.

沃尔德罗普 became a six-time All-American, won a gold medal in the 1975 Pan American 并在室内一英里的比赛中创造了自己的世界纪录. 奥运会在招手,但沃尔德罗 离开了精英赛车的压力,迎接新职业的挑战.

“He had a decision to make,” recalled teammate and longtime friend Larry Widgeon. “Do I become a scientist and pursue academic exploits, or do I train for the Olympics? 所以,他只是说,‘我不会再参加比赛了. 我要去竞选 有趣的.’”